Lourdes Pilgrimage 2024


I have been on a very special pilgrimage to Lourdes with the Diocese of Lancaster. I went with things on my mind, concerns that had bothered me for a while, also, prayer requests for friends, my own anxiety of going abroad after many years in the UK and a great deal of planning to ensure family members behind at home would hopefully be OK whilst I was away for a week. I didn't know many of the people at the start of the week and social anxiety was quite strong... but as the week went by, I got to know new people and make new friends, which has been so precious.

I was very impressed by the organisation of the pilgrimage; a full programme of religious events, led by the Bishop of Lancaster, Priests and Clergy had been planned for us to attend, there were very talented musicians and we also had an amazing support structure; nurses, carers, brancardiers and a youth group... it was really amazing. Many elderly and disabled people also accompanied our group and the support they received was wonderful. I could see God's hand at work in all the organisation and planning. 

Lourdes itself was ... wow... really something. It was very hot, and quite busy at times with so many Pilgrims from around the world with many Churches attending. The religious areas were very moving and I felt that I experienced aspects of my Faith that I hadn't explored before and also that I got to leave my worries and concerns behind, to be taken care of by Our Lord and Our Lady. I am very grateful for the experience and I will always treasure it. 

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